Thursday, October 16, 2014

Phillip Episode 3

I'm back......again

The reason I haven't been updating lately is because I've been busy with school and also my mother moved all her stuff back in the house recently. I was helping out a Digital Photography class all September and I didn't get any time off to record a video til a week ago. I don't know when I will get another one done because the next class I help (Digital Technology) starts on Monday.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Phillip Episode 2

I'm back

It's been a few months but I'm finally back. I haven't been uploading videos or posts recently because I've been taking a Microsoft Office course since February. That course finally finished last Wednesday and I finally filmed the video that I planned to do back in January. I didn't film it back then because I kept forgetting to ask my brother to help me with one part of it. The new video is called Phillip Episode 2. It should be on youtube in a couple of hours.