Saturday, October 29, 2011

Get CuriousUser890 off of youtube

I haven't been updating for a while because I've been trying to get somebody kicked off youtube named Ewan Dewar. On youtube he is CuriousUser890 and blocks anybody that says his real name and deletes their comments (If you're reading this Ewan, you have no way of getting rid of it). He has also been threatening other youtubers just because they block him for him annoying the hell out of them and bossing them around. And now he's really got me mad because he started trying to impersonate CrappyCaptureDevice which is one of my favourite youtubers. He started doing it on the smashwiki and now he has released a video on his own channel doing it. I've tried to tell him to stop but he blocked all of my youtube channels so if anyone is reading this that has been bossed around by him report him to youtube right now. For some reason you can only report him if you're the person he's doing it to.

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