Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Really old digital camera

Years ago when the digital camera first came out my school bought one. It's now really obselete and they were thinking about getting rid of it so I said I would take it. Unfortunately I can't get it to work. I put in 4 new AA batteries but it won't turn on. Unlike some cameras this one had a 4mb memory card. That's the lowest amount I've ever seen on a memory card for a camera. Luckily my computer does have a slot for that kind of memory card but all that was on it was a very dark picture that was taken inside somebody's house. I might be using this camera in a future video as one of my puppet's cameras. I don't know which puppet it'll belong to yet.

Phillip has been added to the banner

Once again I changed the banner at the top of the site to add the newest character Phillip. If you want to see the old one click on the picture on top of this post.

Phillip Episode 1


Phillip is a cat owned by an old woman he doesn't like because of the name she gave him. He wants me to be his owner so he keeps running away to my house.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to school

Tomorrow I'll be back at the Lifetime Learning Centre helping out a digital photography class so I probably won't have a new video up for a while. I haven't been putting any posts here lately because I bought a DSLR camera and I was trying to learn how to use it since I wasn't able to figure out how to use them when I helped out the class last year. On the 13th of this month it'll be my birthday and I'll have a new character that'll be in my next video. Why? Because once again my mother doesn't know what to get me so I ordered her present for me. My new character will be a cat that I named Phillip. Why is he named Phillip? Because I don't like to give animals names based on how they look or by what they do (example: Fluffy or Scratchy). People don't call their kids Poopy or Mr. Cries-a-lot so why should animals get the laziest name you can think of? By the way if you did call your kid Poopy or Mr. Cries-a-lot you are a horrible parent. Another reason I called the puppet Phillip because years ago when I got a cat I originally wanted to call him Phillip before deciding the name Mickey sounded better for him.