Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to school

Tomorrow I'll be back at the Lifetime Learning Centre helping out a digital photography class so I probably won't have a new video up for a while. I haven't been putting any posts here lately because I bought a DSLR camera and I was trying to learn how to use it since I wasn't able to figure out how to use them when I helped out the class last year. On the 13th of this month it'll be my birthday and I'll have a new character that'll be in my next video. Why? Because once again my mother doesn't know what to get me so I ordered her present for me. My new character will be a cat that I named Phillip. Why is he named Phillip? Because I don't like to give animals names based on how they look or by what they do (example: Fluffy or Scratchy). People don't call their kids Poopy or Mr. Cries-a-lot so why should animals get the laziest name you can think of? By the way if you did call your kid Poopy or Mr. Cries-a-lot you are a horrible parent. Another reason I called the puppet Phillip because years ago when I got a cat I originally wanted to call him Phillip before deciding the name Mickey sounded better for him.

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