Friday, January 11, 2013

Finally got my christmas present

A few days ago my christmas present from my mother finally came in the mail. She let me buy a $160 dummy on ebay. I got the Little Jeff dummy that Jeff Dunham started selling a few months ago. It came with a dvd called How to Talk to Yourself. Like most  how to do ventriloquism stuff he forgot the one tip that makes it work. Every video and book I found on the subject tells you what sounds and letters to replace b, f, m, p, q, v and w but one thing they always forget to tell you is that your tongue has to be against the back of your teeth for it to sound correctly. The dummy is kind of hard for me to use though since it was made for a right handed person and I'm left handed.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

new microphone

After a few months I finally got two new videos up. I hadn't been posting anything because for some reason instead of spending money on batteries for my camera I kept spending it on dvds and prepaid cards for the ipad. Last week I finally got some new batteries and I found out I never uploaded my hallowe'en video. It's up now under the name Me and Sam 10. For a while now I've been looking up a lot on voice acting. Some voice actors started out as ventriloquists but decide to quit for some reason (Example: Paul Winchell). I decided that I would try and do both since I don't see why it has to be one or the other. I bought my own microphone (You can see it in the picture at the bottom) since all the places I can find that will record a demo reel want 200$ or more. And this microphone came highly recommended on a few youtube videos of voice acting tips. This microphone can also be seen being used by youtuber nmckaig in some of his videos.

Sam Episode 11

Sam Episode 10