Saturday, June 16, 2012

It took 3 months but my new video is finally up. A couple days ago I got a call from the people at The Source in the Fairview Mall. Instead of fixing my flipcam they sent me the newest model. Or at least that's what they told me. I found out when I got there apparently "newest model" translates into the exact same model you had before. When I opened it up I found out they also set up all the settings for me already. The only problem was the clock wasn't at the right time and they already took a few videos with it. When I put it on the computer I found a whole lot more stuff because apparently the people at The Source were using it as a flash drive for pictures of their employees and videos that weren't made for the camera. So I got rid of all their useless crap so I could film "Me and Edgar 3". I've been trying to come up with a new video for him for a couple months. It's hard to come up with jokes for him because he's supposed to be very smart. The effects were really hard to get working for this one since I didn't have the right lighting for the blue screen on the portal turret. I ended up having to fix the background with photoshop. After I put it on youtube I noticed I made a mistake. I never put a reflection of it in the stove in the background so you can tell it's not really there. And for the steel wall effect I used Chroma Key 4 or 5 times on the video to get it to work. After I put it on youtube I noticed I forgot to put a sound effect for the steel wall coming down and you can also see part of it on my right arm at some parts during the video. I don't know when I'll do my next video since I don't have any idea what to do for my next one and I'm still in the middle of recording the sequel to "The Final Project".

Edgar Episode 3

Monday, June 11, 2012

Simon the haunted dummy

This is something I found out a while ago that I thought was weird. Apparently there is a paranormal museum that has haunted artifacts. You can read about some of them here. One of the things on the site is a Slappy Dummy called Simon. According to the mother of the family (it doesn't say their names) her son was constantly telling her the dummy wanted to speak to him all the time. One day the mother walked in the room and noticed the dummy was moving his lips while her son was across the room and had no way to move them. The mother freaked out and called her clergy (who was friends with the owner of the website). The clergy blessed the home and John took the dummy out of the house which hasn't been haunted since it's removal.

I got a new camera

A while ago I got a new camera since The Source at the Fairview Mall hasn't called me yet to let me know if they fixed my flipcam or not. I've also been buying back some of the stuff that was stolen from me so I now have a new laptop and a new iPad. I haven't gotten around to filming a new ventriloquism video yet because I'm filming a sequel to The Final Project. I'll also be filming some videos for a friend of mine known around here as Bernie the Magic Man. Usually I help him out by copying the dvds he makes of his magic trick instructions for him (since he doesn't know how to use a computer to do it himself) but after I showed him The Final Project he decided I could be the camera man for his next dvd. Since I'll be busy filming stuff for school and magic tricks I probably won't have time to film another ventriloquism video until after June.