Saturday, November 23, 2013

New Blog

I just started a new blog. It's called Bone's Gravestones. I like to walk through cemeteries so I thought I would make a blog of gravestones with funny names on them that I took pictures of. I've never used tumblr before so I'm still learning how to use it. Unfortunately the header doesn't look correctly unless you have a big widescreen monitor for your computer.

Friday, September 13, 2013

New character and New banner

Today is my birthday so I got my new puppet today. I named him Otto Maguire. According to ebay his name was Reggie but I didn't think that name fit him so I changed it. You can see his video in the videos section or read his profile in the characters section. And if you look at the top of the page you can see I changed the banner again. You can see the old one at the top of this post if you never saw that one.

Otto Maguire

Otto is a math teacher who stayed outside my house for two weeks because he thought I was a singer he used to listen to all the time back in the 60s. He gets confused a lot since he's pretty much always on drugs.

Otto Episode 1

Sam Episode 14

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I have Microsoft Surface

A couple days ago I got Microsoft Surface as an early birthday present. Unfortunately I don't know how to do some things on the touch screen so I mostly just use the touchpad on the keyboard attachment instead. I like the ipad better than this but unlike my ipad it let me download flash player so I get to use some sites other than those that are owned by Google. Another bad thing about this is Windows 8 takes up a lot of room on it. In other words just because they say 32, 64, or 128 gb on the price tag doesn't mean they actually have that much free space on them. I probably won't do a video about Microsoft Surface like I did when I got the ipad because there's not really anything different I could do in this video than from the ipad one.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Back to school

Tomorrow I start helping out the introduction to computers course at Lifetime Learning Centre. According to their website it starts today but unfortunately like every year they didn't update the site and I went there on the wrong day again. It'll also be my birthday in 10 days. This year it will be on one of my favourite days. Friday the 13th. And this one will probably be even more unlucky since it's also the year 2013. I will be getting a new puppet that day because once again my mother let me choose what she gets me. I also plan to have a new video that has to do with Friday the 13th for that day if I have time to record it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sam Episode 12

new video and episode name changes

Finally after 3 months my video with the professional photos is finished. In the video you will see Sam say stuff about each picture. I originally recorded it with all my puppets saying stuff but I quickly found out my I'm not good at making puppets talk with my right hand. And some of the stuff was impossible without more puppeteers. If you were on youtube today or the video section of this blog you might of noticed that I changed all the videos so they no longer say Me and (character name). Instead they now all go by the character's name than the episode number. I thought typing the other titles sounded either too kiddish and some people thought the titles made it sound like we were a gay couple. How was I supposed to know that Phillip, Sam and Steve were used as names of gay characters on many different shows? I don't want to change the character names so I changed the episode names instead.

Monday, May 6, 2013

New Video (not a ventriloquism one)

This week I'll be finished taking the Audio/Video course at Lifetime Learning Centre and I just finished making my final project for the class. This year I decided to do a video of my brother instead of both of us. Unlike any other video I've done this one has transitions at one part in it. I don't like to do transitions in my movies because after seeing Star Wars Episode III a few years ago I started to find them really annoying. Here's the movie if you want to see it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

new photo for Steve

I've now updated the profile picture for Steve. You can see the old one below this post. I still haven't updated the photo for Phillip because I don't think that one needs an update. For Steve I took the picture I had in the banner and cut myself out of it. I didn't really like the old one I had for him because I took the picture infront of my living room window which had broken blinds on it at the time and my camera had the flash on so the picture didn't turn out the way I wanted it too. Unfortunately I don't have another picture of him with the coffin that I can use.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New photos are up

The new photos are now on the site. I wasn't given all the photos so I only updated the pictures on the character profiles of Sam, W., and Edgar.

Monday, April 15, 2013

W. Episode 2

New photos soon

Two weeks ago I finally got some professional photos taken for the site and I just got to see how they turned out so some of them may be appearing on here soon. I'll also be doing some of the photos in a new video which hopefully I'll be recording some time this week. I haven't been posting anything lately because I've been busy with school. I took the video editing class at my school for the 4th time because last year I didn't understand a few things about keyframing in Premiere Elements and then the teacher left as I was learning about it and she was replaced by another teacher who didn't know much about Premiere Elements. The class is supposed to finish May 8th so some of the videos I have planned probably won't be recorded until after that day.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Finally got my christmas present

A few days ago my christmas present from my mother finally came in the mail. She let me buy a $160 dummy on ebay. I got the Little Jeff dummy that Jeff Dunham started selling a few months ago. It came with a dvd called How to Talk to Yourself. Like most  how to do ventriloquism stuff he forgot the one tip that makes it work. Every video and book I found on the subject tells you what sounds and letters to replace b, f, m, p, q, v and w but one thing they always forget to tell you is that your tongue has to be against the back of your teeth for it to sound correctly. The dummy is kind of hard for me to use though since it was made for a right handed person and I'm left handed.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

new microphone

After a few months I finally got two new videos up. I hadn't been posting anything because for some reason instead of spending money on batteries for my camera I kept spending it on dvds and prepaid cards for the ipad. Last week I finally got some new batteries and I found out I never uploaded my hallowe'en video. It's up now under the name Me and Sam 10. For a while now I've been looking up a lot on voice acting. Some voice actors started out as ventriloquists but decide to quit for some reason (Example: Paul Winchell). I decided that I would try and do both since I don't see why it has to be one or the other. I bought my own microphone (You can see it in the picture at the bottom) since all the places I can find that will record a demo reel want 200$ or more. And this microphone came highly recommended on a few youtube videos of voice acting tips. This microphone can also be seen being used by youtuber nmckaig in some of his videos.

Sam Episode 11

Sam Episode 10