Sunday, January 22, 2012

I don't know when my next video will be up

I was going to record a new video on Saturday but I ended up getting a sore throat so I don't know when I will get it done. I already filmed the new video but I was gonna redo it because I forgot to do a lot of the new jokes I came up with after seeing Jeff Dunham in Toronto. Other than ventriloquism I also started working on my own video game. I don't have a title for it right now but it has some stuff to do with time travel. I've been looking up a few game engines and according to some people the easiest one to learn is one called Unity. I won't make any promises since my game ideas don't always get finished. I've downloaded programs that let me change stuff in old mario games but I don't always finish them. I think I only finished one game. I tried to make one with Game Maker but all I have is a demo of one level with a few blocks and a Super Mario World sprite of Mario. The one I'm working on right now has nothing to do with Mario. Everything in it is my own creation. I've been learning 3DS Max so most of the graphics and models will be made with that program.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

I usually like Friday the 13th but it's 9am and I've already had some bad luck. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night so I slept in. I tried to get the bus and I ended up getting on the wrong one making me even more late for school. I'm now at home because I haven't seen my regular bus go by the house at all this morning so I decided not to go to school.

I finally saw Jeff Dunham live on stage

For Christmas my sister got me tickets to see Jeff Dunham's new tour Controlled Chaos. It was a lot funnier than the dvd. I got to see one character that wasn't on the dvd. He brought Bubba J back into his act. I went there with my brother. I never learned how to drive so he drove me there and saw the show with me. I know more about the characters than he does so I had to make sure he gets some of the jokes. On the way home I thought of a whole bunch of new jokes so I might have a new video up soon. I didn't steal any from Jeff. I wanted to get his autograph but he left too fast. At the gift shop I got a doll of Walter. It's supposed to say 10 different quotes when you squeeze his hand but actually it says nothing. This thing cost 65$ and it didn't do what it was supposed to.

Update: I was able to get the Walter doll to work after all. There was a button in his back that I was supposed to turn on before it did anything. It's not written anywhere on the tag or anything. I was just supposed to somehow figure out I have to hit this hidden button for it to work.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

refilming W. video

I will be redoing my video with W. soon because I've decided to give him a different voice that I think works better with the character. I usually decide what voice to use by looking at the picture of the character on ebay while I'm ordering them. The voice I choose isn't always what it will be in the end. The voice I use for Edgar was originally going to be Sam's voice before I decided my horrible impression of Strong Bad from was a better voice for the character. For some reason after I got the George Bush puppet and I started practicing with it, it just didn't look right with that voice coming out of it. I kind of tried to do a texan accent. I've been rewatching Lost lately and I thought Tom's voice ( guy with fake beard in Seasons 1 and 2) sounded good. I started practicing with that voice instead and I think it just sounds better. In some ventriloquism books it says to go with the easiest voice you can do which I disagree with because than you get a whole bunch of characters that sound pretty much the same and nobody can tell the difference between any of them. Listen to the puppet commentary on the Terry Fator dvd and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New banner...again!

I got a new character now so I thought I would change the banner again so it has W. on it. You can see it at the top of this page. At the top of this post you can see what it used to look like.

Finally opened christmas presents

I finally opened my christmas presents today. My sister is always working on Christmas so we usually wait until around New Year's to open presents with her. I don't remember what her job is actually called but the short explanation is she picks up dead bodies for a living. It's because of somebody at her job that Steve has a coffin. I used to keep him in the box he came in but he didn't fit so I had to fold him to fit him in it. One of my presents was a new puppet (that I ordered from ebay myself) that looked like George W. Bush. I decided to make him an impersonator and renamed him W. There will be a video up soon. I also got some tickets to see Jeff Dunham's new tour "Controlled Chaos". I already own the dvd. I don't know if it will be any different seeing him live on stage.


W. is a George Bush impersonator who can't remember his first name because during his show on December 23rd 2011, somebody threw a shoe at him. He can only remember his first initial. He has been an impersonator since 2001. He gets very nervous infront of a crowd or a camera. He also has mirrored-self misidentification disorder.