Friday, December 30, 2011

I hate the Henry-Hanke Permanent Calendar

This is a new kind of calendar I just read about that I would never ever want to use. Mostly because my birthday would always be on the same day and would never be on Friday the 13th ever again if they actually do this reform. The next time my birthday is on Friday the 13th is in the year 2013 if they don't change anything. Also, I know a few people that have their birthday on February 29th that would probably be mad about not having an extra day every four years.

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Character

I'll also be getting a new character in my show for Christmas. My mother didn't know what to get me so she just told me to get my own gift. Translation: Go on ebay and buy something.

I'm on Christmas Break now

Today my school started its Christmas Break. I recorded three new videos for Christmas but I can't upload them yet because the batteries died in my camera and I have no more AA batteries. I might upload the videos tomorrow after I'm done Christmas shopping. Christmas is here in two days and I still haven't bought everybody's gifts. I won't be celebrating Christmas with my family until after Christmas anyway since my sister works on Christmas Day.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Back to School

Last week I started school again. Lastyear I took a 3DS max class but I missed most of the class because I felt dizzy most of the time and I kept getting distracted watching my friend Joey play games on his computer. Unlike some ventriloquists I actually do have friends that aren't dummies or puppets. When I did the final test, I could hardly remember anything so I retook the class to do better this time. If anyone was on my youtube channel this morning you might have noticed it changed to youtube's horrible new channel page. I was able to change it back because this time they actually let me choose the option to keep the old channels page unlike their old updates where you couldn't keep anything.

Friday, November 25, 2011

I now have digital cable

Lately Cogeco has been sending people digital adapters because they automatically signed people up to recieve them since there getting rid of a lot of their channels. I finally got all 3 adapters that I ordered so I set it up today. Cogeco hires the stupidest people to answer phones. They asked me the security question for the account my father set up before he died. I didn't know the answer and they let me activate everything anyway. Today I'm feeling a lot better so the new video might be recorded earlier than I recently planned to. For some reason after I got really mad at my mother's boyfriend I all of a sudden felt a lot better. I just proved you wrong whoever it was that said laughter is the best medicine.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

other youtube accounts, Addams Family musical

Lately I haven't been doing any videos on here because I've been working on a few other things and also I've been sick for a while. For those of you that don't know, I have two other youtube accounts that I do videos for. This is one I use for animations, tutorials and a few other things. I also have another one that I started last June for little short films. Lately one of my animations has been getting a lot of views. A few years ago I made an animation called "Mario VS Darth Vader" with Flash. Back when I made it, I'd just found some sprites (video game graphics) for Darth Vader and I decided to make a test animation. I didn't know anything of how he was supposed to act so I just gave him lines that were like stuff I would say. Two years ago I put it on youtube and it seems to be doing a lot better than I thought it would. Right now it is at 220,091 views. Most of my videos don't even get up to 1000. I might have a new video up soon of Edgar if I get better. I wasn't sick yesterday but I still didn't have time to record because I went to Toronto to see the Addams Family musical. The thing I liked the most in it was all the puppeteering for Cousin Itt and a few other things. They were selling Iguana puppets there so I bought one for myself. Folkmanis made the puppet and usually I don't buy their puppets because they don't fit over my hand but this one does. I won't be using it for one of my characters because it says Addams Family musical on the tail and I don't like to use copyrighted characters in my show. Also I don't really have any ideas for an iguana character.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Updated Sam's profile

I just updated Sam's profile on this site. I've changed some of the stuff about him since I made my first video so I thought I should probably update it. You can read it in the Characters section.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

New Video hopefully soon

In two days I'll hopefully be recording a new video. I'm running into a few problems of how I'm going to bring Steve to my school. And hopefully there's nothing I have to do about my grandfather that day. Yesterday my grandfather died from cancer. On Hallowe'en he'll be cremated. I don't know what day the funeral is yet.

Get CuriousUser890 off of youtube

I haven't been updating for a while because I've been trying to get somebody kicked off youtube named Ewan Dewar. On youtube he is CuriousUser890 and blocks anybody that says his real name and deletes their comments (If you're reading this Ewan, you have no way of getting rid of it). He has also been threatening other youtubers just because they block him for him annoying the hell out of them and bossing them around. And now he's really got me mad because he started trying to impersonate CrappyCaptureDevice which is one of my favourite youtubers. He started doing it on the smashwiki and now he has released a video on his own channel doing it. I've tried to tell him to stop but he blocked all of my youtube channels so if anyone is reading this that has been bossed around by him report him to youtube right now. For some reason you can only report him if you're the person he's doing it to.

Monday, October 17, 2011

New video is up

My last day of helping the class was today. The class ends Friday. They are doing there culminating activity this week and I'm not supposed to help them with that so I'm finished. When I got home I recorded Me and Sam 5. It's now in the Videos section or right under this post.

Sam Episode 5

Two new videos will be made soon

Yesterday I came up with a whole bunch of new jokes for Sam and Steve and this is my last week of helping out the Digital Photography class at Lifetime Learning Centre so I will have time to record them soon. The video with Sam might be done this week and the one with Steve I'm planning on recording on Hallowe'en.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Steve Jobs is dead

Two days ago Steve Jobs died and I am the only person with a blog that doesn't seem to care. Why? If he wanted me to care he shouldn't of lied about his computers never crashing and never getting viruses and a whole bunch of other problems his computers get that PCs don't. The only thing I have made from Apple is the Ipod which also never works the way it's supposed to. I have to push the Play button 10 times before it finally turns off. I only use that button to turn it off and play songs. For some reason shortly after I got the ipod the play button wouldn't turn it on anymore so now I use the big round button in the middle of the other buttons to turn it on.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Googled My Name

For fun I thought I would type my own name into Google and see what I could find. I've done it before and I found an actor with my name. This time I found out apparently a few days ago BBC News reported that Simon Morris is convicted of black mailing a former business partner. You can read it here. There's also a photographer with my name.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Internet broke

Two days ago we had a big thunder storm where I live. Shortly after it finished my internet stopped working. The last time it happened it turned out they were doing maintenance so I left it alone because I thought that was happening again. After two days I thought it can't be that so we got Bell on the phone and apparently my account wouldn't take the password Bell gave me 5 years ago anymore so we had to change it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My New Old Computer

Today I got my 15th computer. I set it up and everything and I can't get the monitor that came with it to work. I've got three other monitors to try it out on so I can still use it. I also got a very old printer with it. The printer isn't in the picture to the left of this post. For some reason I can't get a good picture of it without the flash on my camera. I turned it off because I kept getting a reflection of the flash on the screen. Lately I've been looking into getting a DSLR camera.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

15 computers starting tomorrow

In one of my videos I said I had 14 computers. Tomorrow I'll be getting another one. Why do I collect computers? A few years ago I started going to Lifetime Learning Centre and I was taking a computer technician class. I told a few people I need an old computer to practice stuff on. That class finished 5 years ago and people still give me their old computers that they don't want anymore. I'd rather take them off their hands than pollute China. If you don't believe me watch a movie called Manufacturing Landscapes. In the picture to the left you can see 6 computers. Two laptops and 4 towers or as some people call them chassis. Monitors don't count as computers. I have no apple computers. Apple decided to insult a lot of people because they use PCs so I refuse to ever get one of their computers. I've seen Macs crash a lot more than PCs and whenever there's a big computer virus outbreak it happens to be the Mac users that get them the most.

Monday, September 19, 2011

computer problems

For those of you that don't know, I also have another job other than helping out at my school. I also copy dvds for a magician. Relax it's legal, he made the dvd so he owns all the copyrights and everything so he pays me to make 100 or more dvds for him everytime I see him. Today I was making more discs when a part fell off the cd/dvd tray. I know a lot about computers but most of them don't have that black thing in the middle of the tray to hold the disc. It fell off earlier today but I was able to get it back on and it hasn't fallen off again. I need to know if I should get this fixed or just leave it the way it is. Leave your answers in the comments to this post. You don't have to be a google member to post comments.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Updated Edgar's character profile

I just updated Edgar's character profile. I came up with a few things about him in the video so I thought I should add them to his profile. At one part in the video Edgar said he needs help setting up a webcam. I have a plan in a future video to show all my characters on omegle video chat or chatroulette talking to people. It's an idea I got after watching a youtube member named MagicofRahat do magic tricks on those same sites.

New banner

Now that I got a new character I thought I would update the banner on the top of this site. I didn't really like the way I looked on the old one and I didn't do a good job of putting Steve on the last one. All you could see of Steve on the old one was his head. I don't have the original photoshop file for when I created the old one so I couldn't just put Edgar in it, so instead of doing a whole bunch of editing on the old one I decided to redo the whole thing. When I made the first banner I used a different picture for me and Steve. Last year on Hallowe'en at my school I took Steve with me and somebody took a picture of me with a professional camera. Two days ago I was finally given the picture so I decided to put it in the banner. For those of you that never saw the old one, here it is.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Video is finally finished

I finally got Edgar's video up. You can see it in the Videos section. In the video I mentioned that I help out classes at my school sometimes. This year I'm helping out the digital photography class at Lifetime Learning Centre. It's a school in St. Catharines, Ontario. A while ago they learned how to do light painting so I thought I would try it out with my camera. So here is a picture I did with Edgar. I tried to make it look like the light was coming out of his mouth.

Edgar Episode 1

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Edgar Tumming video problems

Apparently it's going to take longer to record my new video than I planned. I recorded two videos yesterday but I kept forgetting what joke I was on when I did them so I recorded a new one today and my camera died halfway through the recording and I have no more AA batteries. I didn't know it took those kind of batteries when I bought it. I bought it because I was surprised about how good the HD quality was on this little camera. From what I've been told, this camera has been discontinued so I don't know how long before the company decides to not fix the broken ones. My camera's not broken so I don't have to worry about that right now. Anyway the video might not be up until sometime this weekend. Right now all you can see is a picture and a character profile of Edgar.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My birthday

Today is my birthday. I got a new puppet that I've named Edgar Tumming. For a few months I've been addicted to the game Angry Birds so I got the board game version (yes, it's real). I got the Terry Fator autobiography "Who's the dummy now?" I started reading it today and I had no idea he had ADD. Looks like I'm not the only ventriloquist with a disability. I don't have ADD. I have a very rare disability called Ring 22 Chromosome. It's not in every cell in my body so I don't have all the symptoms. Anyway I haven't got all my presents yet. My brother may be over at my house tomorrow or Friday to give me his present. I knew all the presents I was getting but I refused to know what my brother got me. I like him to surprise me just like I do every year on his birthday. I don't normally blog about my day on here but I might start doing that a lot more so look for more of these updates.

Edgar Tumming

Edgar is an orangutan monkey. He insists his last name is pronounced two ming. For years he was experimented on by scientists until PETA saved him. He's very smart due to all the experiments the scientists did on him. Ever since he got away from the scientists he's been learning how to use the computer. He also watches tv. Unfortunately there are a few things about tv shows he doesn't understand. For example he thinks the characters on the Simpsons have jaundice.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Videos won't be up right away

Youtube keeps saying my upload failed so it'll take a while before I can get any videos up. For now you can read the character descriptions of Sam and Steve.

Samuel Gunderson

Full Name: Samuel Gunderson

Stage Name: Sammy

Sam is a 62 year old clown that was retired and is trying to make a comeback with me as his partner. A decision he regrets a lot. He hates ventriloquism and any other act other than his own. He also doesn't like being married. He spends most of his time at a bar or with me just to get away from his wife. He even sleeps there from time to time. Sam was born on Christmas 1951.


Full Name: Steve
Steve has no last name. Steve used to work as the Grim Reaper until 2010 when he accidentally killed himself. He's over 1000 years old. He hates the person that took over his grim reaper job because he wants everything done quickly and doesn't torture the recently departed before taking their souls. His favourite holiday is Christmas. During Christmas he likes to work as a mall Santa Claus but not a lot of kids go see him due to the fact that he is a skeleton and he still has his powers to take away people's souls.

Hi, I'm a ventriloquist

For a few months now I've been learning how to do ventriloquism. I've got two characters so far named Sam and Steve. I've got plans for more but I haven't bought anything I need to make them with yet. I bought Sam and Steve off ebay so they're are other people that use these characters with different names. I haven't seen them but I'm pretty sure my act is a lot different than theirs. I'm using this blog to post videos and pictures of my characters and to get my name out there so people can hire me. I've got no script set up for these characters yet, so I've just been saying random jokes that I come up with during the videos.